September 19, 2009 journal, free thyself from the slave driving oppressive bank industry. If all American credit cards were forgiven it would be not more than one trillion dollars. If all delinquent mortgages were forgiven it would not be more than one trillion dollars. I can see that within the last year with all the bailouts & stimulus plus the Federal Reserve putting money into banks the American taxpayer has been obligated for 5 trillion dollars. Keep in mind the federal government tax only receives about one trillion dollars per year. The banks have an open back door unaudited to the Federal Reserve & people's money. The money of the bailout & stimulus packages combined would have settled all peoples delinquencies and set the people free from debt but they didn't because they are selfish. The problem is not what the people owe it's what the bank owe on gambled derivatives. It does not matter one bit how much you race your engine and burn your tires in paying your bills, the people can never pay enough to settle the enormous losses of the banks. A failing Jack Van Impe tonight says America will be in civil war by 2010, he may be right on this. He scorned the thought of the attack on America being an inside job. "O ye of little understanding". If there is anything for sure its American involvement in the attack. The soldier from Gaffney South Carolina came home dead, his friends and neighbors put American flags along the roadways even at the Bank of America but BankAmerica took them up saying they would not display any flag for anyone until talk radio picked up on it and people started to line up to take their money out of BankAmerica and suddenly the flags reappeared at the Bank of America. I do not approve of war but I do have great sympathy for the fallen soldiers. The BankAmerica is no friend to the American people. I have nothing to do with any of it. I marched in the anti-war protests in London in 2003. A lady work for a local insurance company agent for about 20 years and got frequent pay raises but now the insurance agent sold out to the bank and they eliminated that ladies job in lieu of lower-paid employees. What guarantee do people even have of a job in this cut rates society. Buyouts & mergers leave people suddenly helpless to make a living in any situation. Most people working today have no guarantee their job will be there tomorrow. If it's not the bad economy it is the greed for profit from the corporations knowing us not. Capitalism has failed except for enslaving people into an uncertain risky nothing future. Please click on the following you tube to see a video addressed to Ken Louis C E O of Bank of America in what one lady calls civil disobedience against the scavenger banks in their charging 30% interest plus penalties. She lays him out and all the other loan freaks. The Bank of America raised her credit card interest up to 30 percent without any cause. My only problem with you tube is that people post comments and other you tube videos that may be inconsistent with one's message possible even discrediting one's message. In any case, the usury banks are keeping it all in the family, that is their Edomite family. If you fall behind and cannot pay your credit card they pass it off to a Russian Khazar, for bitter collection and you better pay or they will harrass you to death & garnish money.